sublimation printing

Sublimation printing is a specialized process of transferring a printed image onto polyester fabric or other polyester-based material. This type of printing uses a combination of heat and pressure to transfer the design to the fabric or material. Sublimation printing is also sometimes referred to as “dye sublimation” because during the process, the ink actually becomes part of the fabric. The primary benefit of sublimation printing is that it produces very vibrant colors that result in a durable, long-lasting product.

To begin the sublimation process, an image is printed onto special paper using specific types of ink designed for this purpose. The paper is then placed between two layers of polyester fabric with a polymer coating, along with an application tape. The materials are then placed on top of a heated press and allowed to heat up until the image transfers from the paper onto the fabric. Pressure can also be used in order to ensure that all areas of the image are transferred with precision and accuracy. It typically takes about 30 seconds for an image to transfer from paper to fabric using this method.

Once complete, each item produced through sublimation printing will have embedded dye within its fibers. This allows for extremely vibrant colors that hold their vibrancy even after multiple washes and wearings. In addition, unlike other methods such as screen printing or vinyl transfers, there is no additional layer left behind on top of the garment which can cause discomfort when worn against bare skin. As such, garments created through sublimation printing can be worn comfortably against every type of skin without issue.

Overall, sublimation printing offers unique advantages over traditional textile printing techniques due to its ability to produce highly detailed images with vivid color detail while maintaining comfort when wearing against bare skin. It also has significant longevity compared to other types of imprinting methods since images remain embedded in the fibers which helps them maintain their original vibrancy for longer periods of time even after multiple washes and wearings.

sublimation printing

can sublimation printer print white

No, a sublimation printer cannot print white color. This is because the process of sublimation involves dyeing polyester material and it is impossible to make

sublimation printing
sublimation printing

What is sublimation printing?

A popular and commonly-used method of printing, sublimation printing uses heat and pressure to embed materials with ink designs. Whether you’re interested in personalizing a