ALL about shirtS printing

Everything you want to know about t-shirt printing, printing methods, DIY t-shirt printing and starting a t-shirt printing business!

Let’s talk about t-shirt printing!

do you want to know how printing is done on shirts or clothing? do you want to know what the process is from the moment you contact the printing house until you receive the shirts? or maybe you want to know what to ask and what things to pay attention to?

so you are in the right place!

Everything you want to know about screen printing

Everything you want to know about sublimation printing

Everything you want to know about DIY shirts printing

Everything you want to know about HTV printing

Everything you want to know about DTF printing

T-shirt business and printing equipment

Welcome to Your Ultimate Guide to the World of Custom Printed Apparel

In the ever-evolving realm of fashion and design, one aspect that consistently stands out is the art of custom printed apparel. From personalized t-shirts for events and promotions to intricately designed garments for fashion enthusiasts, the world of apparel printing offers endless possibilities. At, we aim to be your go-to resource for all things related to prints on clothes, covering various printing techniques, essential work equipment, and invaluable advice to help you succeed in the t-shirt printing business.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll introduce you to the exciting world of custom prints on clothing, delving into popular printing methods such as screen printing, sublimation printing, DTF (Direct-to-Film) printing, and HTV (Heat Transfer Vinyl) printing. We’ll also provide essential tips for purchasing work equipment and managing your t-shirt printing venture. So, gear up and let’s embark on this fascinating journey together!

An Array of Printing Techniques at Your Fingertips


Custom apparel printing has come a long way, with numerous techniques now available to cater to a wide range of needs and preferences. Here’s a quick rundown of the top printing methods featured on

1. Screen Printing: A tried-and-true method, screen printing involves creating stencils (screens) for each color in a design and using a squeegee to push ink through the mesh onto the fabric. Known for its durability and vibrancy, screen printing is ideal for large production runs and solid color designs.

2. Sublimation Printing: This innovative technique uses heat-sensitive inks that turn into gas when heated, allowing them to permeate and bond with polyester fibers. The result is a permanent, high-quality print that won’t crack, peel, or fade. Sublimation is perfect for intricate designs and all-over prints on polyester or polyester-coated materials.

3. DTF (Direct-to-Film) Printing: DTF printing involves printing your design onto a special film, which is then transferred to the garment using heat and pressure. This method allows for full-color, high-detail prints on various fabric types, including cotton and polyester blends. DTF is best suited for small to medium-sized production runs and designs with multiple colors or gradients.

4. HTV (Heat Transfer Vinyl) Printing: HTV printing utilizes heat-sensitive vinyl that is cut into the desired design and applied to the fabric using a heat press or iron. With a wide range of colors and finishes available, HTV printing offers versatility and precision for customizing garments.

Essential Equipment for Your T-Shirt Printing Business

Starting a t-shirt printing business requires the right tools and equipment to ensure consistent quality and efficiency. At, we’re dedicated to providing you with valuable tips for purchasing the best work equipment for your specific needs. Some of the essential items you’ll need include:

  • A reliable printing machine (screen printing press, sublimation printer, DTF printer, or vinyl cutter) tailored to your chosen printing method.
  • A heat press or conveyor dryer for curing prints and ensuring durability.
  • High-quality inks, films, or vinyl materials compatible with your chosen technique.
  • Design software for creating and editing your custom graphics.
  • Additional supplies such as screens, squeegees, transfer paper, and cleaning solutions.
  • Navigating the Business Side of T-Shirt Printing

Managing a t-shirt printing business can be both exciting and challenging. To help you navigate this rewarding industry, offers expert advice on essential aspects of running a successful venture, including:

  • Marketing strategies to promote your business and attract customers.
  • Pricing your products and services to maximize profits while remaining competitive.
  • Establishing efficient production processes to ensure timely delivery and consistent quality.
  • Identifying your target audience and tailoring your offerings to their needs and preferences.
  • Keeping up with industry trends and advancements in printing technology.
  • Embark on Your Custom Apparel Printing Journey with

As you delve into the world of custom printed apparel, is here to be your trusted guide, providing you with valuable information, resources, and inspiration. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur looking to start your own t-shirt printing business or a seasoned professional seeking new techniques and insights, our comprehensive content will help you stay ahead of the curve in this dynamic industry.

Explore our website to learn more about the various printing methods, essential work equipment, and practical tips for managing your t-shirt printing venture. With our expert guidance and your passion for creativity, the possibilities are endless. Welcome to the world of custom prints on clothing – we’re thrilled to have you join us on this exciting journey!

Let’s talk about t-shirt printing!

If you want to know how printing is done on shirts or clothing, if you want to know what the process is from the moment you contact the printing house until you receive the shirts, or maybe you want to know what to ask and what things to pay attention to? Then you are in the right place!

On the site, I hope to present an almost complete overview (because there is no such thing as perfect…) of everything you will need to know about printing shirts, and we will divide things into two areas: first of all, what you need to know when contacting a printing house or a business specializing in printing on shirts that will do the printing for you, and the area The second is – how to print shirts yourself. I will try to detail as much as possible (even if it turns out a bit long…) about the main methods for printing on clothing, for what purpose is each method suitable? How to choose and adapt the printing method to your needs and more.

So after the introduction, a little about me: my name is Motty, and I am the owner of a clothing printing business with over 10 years of experience in the field. During this time I experimented wit

h almost all types of printing on shirts and clothing – both professionally and as a DIY activity with my private children. The information I am going to write here is based on the experience and professional knowledge I have gained during this time, on collaborations with various printing houses that deal in clothing printing and on hundreds of questions and explanations that I have been asked and answered by interested customers. I will emphasize that the information here is based on my experience, but no one is without mistakes, so I apologize in advance if there was a mistake in things…

The goal of the website is not to sell you printed shirts (there are enough websites for that), the goal is to give you the opportunity to get to a place that sells shirts with a little knowledge and guidance. I will link to websites and videos that can demonstrate or clarify points, but these things will be done for the sake of demonstration.

And one last thing, I will link to sites that sell equipmen


t for printing on shirts, for two reasons: one – I earn a commission from these links. The second reason is to give those who would like to try themselves in the field of printing on clothing a guide to materials and equipment that will be useful to them.